Saturday, March 5, 2011

A Prayer Against Abortion

 Father Demetrios Carellas, probably one of the most active orthodox clergy in the pro-life movement, wrote this prayer and I found it to be quite touching.

  O Lord Jesus Christ, Who – at the 6th hour of the day – didst shed Thy precious Blood upon the Cross for the salvation of all mankind: receive the souls of all the innocent pre-born babies, who have been, are being, or will be slaughtered today in the hospitals and abortion chambers throughout our nation. And as their untimely deaths have prevented them from receiving the grace of Holy Baptism, I entreat Thee to accept their innocent blood as their Baptism (Thou didst with the early Martyrs); so that they can share eternity with Thee.
  To the doctors, nurses, parents and hosts of accomplices responsible for this infanticide, grant tears of repentance; so that they can run to Thee for forgiveness and healing, and thus avoid the eternal death of their souls. I believe that all things are possible with Thee, O Lord. Therefore, I entreat Thee on this day – through Thy divine grace – to convince at least one mother in every state and province to cancel her abortion and bring her child to full term; and convince one doctor in every state and province to repent of his actions, and never again kill a child in the womb.
  Receive my prayer, O Lord, even though it is offered to Thee from such a sinful and unworthy servant; and unite my entreaty with those of all the other brothers and sisters that are crying out today on behalf of all Thy little ones, who are now being formed in the wombs of their mothers. Deliver us and our nation, O Lord, from their shedding of innocent blood! Forgive us! Heal us! Save us! Amen.


  1. I am pregnant and wish to have this child but the father of my child wants me to abort. This is our second child and its like he is possessed please pray for us.
